my carrd !⠀⠀x
(19) 2003.02.07, infp , bi , any prns, bpoc, female
BYF!* i'm legal, i reclaim my slurs when i try to joke around, very introverted, type in all caps when excited, i call people babes in a platonic way if we are close if you are not comfortable let me know |
DNI!* the basic criteria yk, lack of human decency, any kind of -ist, -phobic or -phile, makes kys jokes, defends problematic actions, idc who you stan but if you defend idols actions or weaponize racism against me on who i stan ur getting blocked /srs, takes kpop way too seriously, 15-/25+. |
FAVES ! cravity minhee e'last wonjun enha jungwon aespa karina ive yujin verivery kangmin

LIKES! anime , movies , shows , blue , music , food , editing , cats , tea.
DISLIKES! attention whores , hypocrisy , eggs , olives , manipulators , negative nancy's , power abuse.
TW !
gxre , self h@rm , s3xu@lizing minors , an!m@l abxse , s3xual ass@ult , grxxming